Are Roundup Lawsuits Just the Beginning?

Jun 10, 2019
By Boesen Law
  • With the popular herbicide Roundup making waves in the legal world, there is a shift in attention to how we grow our food. Is it possible that health problems caused by products like Roundup are just the beginning of a bigger issue?

    Roundup Resistant

    While the product Roundup is marketed as a product to protect crops from weeds, there is a high cost. Many individuals are now claiming that exposure to the product has led them to be diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: a serious form of cancer. Monsanto and Bayer AG now have over 1,300 pending lawsuits in the US alone regarding Roundup. There are also active claims in Canada and Australia as well.

    Unknown Outcomes

    An article by The Guardian, illustrates how the US is approaching food vs other developed countries. The US views growing food in a “guinea pig” fashion, waiting to ban chemicals and substances until after problems appear. This causes new diseases, pests, and issues to pop up that we may not be able to control.

    Health and Cancer Risk

    As a result, these products may not show that they are harmful to human and environmental life until it is too late. Like with Roundup, it is possible that more products in the same group can cause potential health issues for individuals in the future.

    Have Questions about a Potential Roundup Lawsuit Claim?

    If you or a loved one has used Roundup and/or been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or other serious medical condition, contact our team at (720)-263-7889 to schedule a free consultation. This matter is time sensitive so don’t hesitate and call us today. Click here to visit our Roundup practice area page for more information.