With Roundup Lawsuits Piling Up – Bayer AG Goes For Image Makeover

Jun 17, 2019
By Boesen Law
  • Facing significant legal backlash over Roundup, Bayer AG who is the parent company of Monsanto made an announcement that they are looking into glyphosate alternatives.

    Roundup Lawsuit Troubles

    With Roundup claims skyrocketing and an upcoming trial in Monsanto’s hometown of St. Louis, Bayer AG is struggling to keep a handle on its image. According to an article from Fortune, the company released a statement that they are “committed to offering more choices for growers.”

    Another Roundup Loss Ahead?

    With a third straight trial loss on their hands, it remains to be seen how the upcoming trial in St. Louis will play out. Bayer AG and Monsanto are also currently dealing with mediation proceedings involving a large number of Roundup claims.

    EU Review

    The company is also gearing up to get its glyphosate product ready for review by the EU. Squeaking by last time with only a 5-year approval for use, the current legal situation could have an impact on whether the product is reapproved in the future.

    Do You Use Roundup?

    If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or another serious medical condition and has used Roundup extensively, contact our team at (720)-263-7889 to schedule a free consultation. Click here to view our practice area page on Roundup for more information.