Bayer AG Caught in Europe Roundup Scandal

May 23, 2019
By Boesen Law
  • Bayer AG who is the parent company of Monsanto Corp has found themselves in a scandal in Europe involving their weed killer product Roundup.

    Pro and Anti Roundup Pesticide Lists

    According to a CBS News article, Bayer AG was shown by a French TV show to have lists of people in Europe who were known to be either pro or anti pesticide use. Roundup is a controversial product as there are currently numerous legal claims in the US involving exposure to the product and individuals developing non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

    The lists were put together by Fleishman Hillard a public relations agency working for Bayer AG and Monsanto.

    Causing an Uproar

    As a result there was significant outrage over the discovery of the lists. A complaint was filed with a French regulatory agency due names of journalists being on the lists. The PR agency above has stopped taking work at this time due to the incident.

    Bayer AG Apologizes

    Bayer AG has since issued an apology and has hired a legal firm to look at the lists and see if the contacts expand beyond European countries.

    Exposed to Roundup?

    If you or a loved one has had exposure to Roundup and developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or another serious medical problem contact our office at   to schedule a free consultation. This is a time sensitive issue so please don’t delay and take the first step and call us today. Visit our practice area page on Roundup here for more information.