Black Diamond Recalls Avalanche Transceiver Due to Dangerous Defect

Mar 08, 2022
  • Black Diamond has recalled many of its popular avalanche transceivers due to a potentially dangerous defect. According to the company and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), a switch on the product can be hit inadvertently or become flipped by regular jostling, disabling the transceiver without the user knowing it. As such, it is possible that the transceiver will do nothing during an avalanche or another disaster.

    The recalled Black Diamond avalanche transceivers belong to these product lines:

    • PIEPS DSP Pro
    • DSP Pro Ice
    • DSP Sport

    All of the recalled products came with a neoprene carrying case. It is believed that the risk of hitting the switch accidentally is worsened when using the supplied case.

    Has Anyone Been Hurt Due to the Defect?

    Black Diamond has reported that it has received more than 60 complaints about the recalled emergency transceivers. Among the reports, there has been at least one death, which is believed to have been caused because a trapped skier’s transceiver was not working due to this defect. There is also a report of a skier suffering a broken arm in an avalanche, and the injury was worsened because the defective receiver made it take longer for rescuers to find them.

    What Should You Do If You Own a Black Diamond Transceiver?

    If you own a recalled Black Diamond avalanche transceiver, then you should discontinue the use of the product immediately because it is unreliable. You should not send the product back to Black Diamond or ask for a refund, though. Doing so could make you ineligible to take legal action against the company.

    Class Action Against Black Diamond

    It is likely that Black Diamond could soon be facing a product defect class action for the serious issues with its DSP Pro Ice, DSP Pro, and DSP Sport avalanche transceivers. The plaintiff class could seek compensation for the cost of the transceiver – some sold for as much as $500 after taxes – and other damages related to the harm and hardship caused by the defect. Even consumers who bought the transceiver but were never hurt or placed in danger because of it could potentially join such a class action.

    Black Diamond Class Action Attorneys

    Boesen Law in Denver, Colorado, is currently hearing from potential plaintiff class members who bought a defective Black Diamond avalanche transceiver. We are looking into the possibility of demanding compensation from the company through a class action lawsuit. You do not need to live in Colorado for us to help you with your case. The more people we hear from about forming a class action, the stronger that class action will be when it forms, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. You can also call to speak with our firm directly.