J&J Announce Three Settlements for Talc Lawsuits

Apr 01, 2019
  • Johnson & Johnson announced three quick settlements last week over lawsuits involving their talcum powder.

    Where did the lawsuits originate from?

    The suits varied by state from Oklahoma, New York, to California. All the cases involved individuals who had been diagnosed with mesothelioma and stated that their use of Johnson & Johnson’s talcum powder was a significant factor in causing the diagnosis.

    What were the settlement amounts?

    As of this time, Johnson & Johnson has not released details of the settlement amounts to the public.

    What is the significance of these settlements?

    It could signal a shift in how the company is approaching these types of lawsuits. Jean Widen who is a law professor at Widener University was quoted in an article by Bloomberg saying that “It looks like they have decided to cut their losses and move on..often times that kind of individual scrutiny will produce settlements.” Johnson & Johnson has commented that despite the settlements, they still stand by the safety of their talc products.

    A spokeswoman for the company commented that there are currently no plans to change their legal approach to handling these types of lawsuits in light of the settlement agreements.

    Diagnosed with mesothelioma or ovarian cancer?

    If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or ovarian cancer as a result of using Johnson & Johnson talcum products contact our office at  to schedule a free consultation and speak with one of our experienced attorneys. Please also visit our practice area page on talcum powder and ovarian cancer here for more information.