J&J Talc Case Ends with $300 Million Dollar Verdict

Jun 02, 2019
  • Johnson & Johnson (J&J) is being asked to pay $300 million dollars in damages in the latest talc trial case, when the verdict was announced on Friday May 31, 2019.

    Talc Case In New York

    The trial was heard in New York City where another case awarded $25 million dollars to the plaintiff according to a CNBC article. The cases involve claims that the use of Johnson & Johnson baby powder (also known as talcum powder) caused the plaintiffs to develop mesothelioma and ovarian cancers due to the presence of asbestos in the powder.

    J&J On The Defense

    The company is currently facing over 13,000 other claims that their talcum powder contains asbestos. This is also not the first time the company has been hit with large verdicts involving their talcum powder. Despite the verdicts, Johnson & Johnson continue to insist that using their talcum based products are safe.

    Diagnosed with Mesothelioma and/or Ovarian Cancer?

    If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma and/or Ovarian Cancer and have used Johnson & Johnson talcum powder or their other talc based products, contact our office at  to schedule a free consultation. Click here to view our practice area page on talcum powder and ovarian cancer for more information.