Johnson & Johnson Continue to Push Talc Safety Claim

Feb 01, 2019
  • Johnson & Johnson is trying to save face following the release of the Reuters report which has received widespread media attention.

    What was the report about?

    Reuters conducted an investigation which found that Johnson & Johnson knew that their talcum powder products contained trace amounts of asbestos since the 1970’s.

    How has Johnson & Johnson responded?

    Johnson & Johnson has launched a widespread digital advertising campaign that claims its talc is safe. In a response to the Reuters report, the company released a statement (you may read the statement here) regarding their continued beliefs in the safety of their talcum powder-based products.

    Reuters has found that Johnson & Johnson left out crucial evidence regarding studies on talc, that in some instances weaken the pharmaceutical company’s claims, as indicated in this follow-up report.

    How is the public responding to Johnson & Johnson’s advertising efforts?

    Views on the campaign have been mixed. On social media, there have been posts backing Johnson & Johnson and offering words of support. However, others have noted the loss of family members due to ovarian cancer or mesothelioma, which they say was caused by the use of Johnson & Johnson talc products.

    I have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and/or mesothelioma after using J & J talcum powder products. What are my options?

    Contact our office at  to schedule a free consultation and speak with one of our highly experienced attorneys. Please also visit our practice area page at our website on ovarian cancer and baby powder here for additional information.