Johnson & Johnson May Have Rushed Testing of Talcum Powder

Nov 25, 2019
  • report by the Wall Street Journal claims that Johnson & Johnson may have rushed the testing of their talcum powder, in order to say that their talc does not contain asbestos.

    FDA Finds Sample Positive for Asbestos in Talcum Powder

    This news comes on the heels of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  testing a sample of Johnson & Johnson baby powder ordered online, and finding traces of asbestos in the product. As a result, many big-name retail stores such as CVS, Walgreen’s, and others have pulled the item from shelves.

    To further complicate matters, an expert witness used many times by Johnson & Johnson to promote the safety of their talc, was found to be the head of a laboratory that confirmed the positive sample from the FDA.

    Internal Fighting

    The lab that processed the results is pointing the finger at Johnson & Johnson, saying it was under pressure from the company to rush the results of the testing. J&J is currently under fire from thousands of plaintiffs who have filed lawsuits against the company, claiming that Johnson & Johnson knew that their talcum powder was not safe and yet continued to market the product anyway.

    Many individuals are now claiming that their diagnosis of mesothelioma and/or ovarian cancer from those who are women, is a result of their use of J&J talcum powder.

    Diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer?

    If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and has used J&J talcum powder extensively, contact our team at  to schedule a free consultation. Click here to view our practice area page on talcum powder and ovarian cancer for more information.