Ozempic Lawsuit in Littleton

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    Attention Colorado Springs Residents: if you have taken the weight loss medication “Ozempic” or a related drug and subsequently experienced severe stomach issues, you may qualify for participation in the Colorado Springs Ozempic lawsuit.

    In recent times, Ozempic, a widely-used medication for managing type 2 diabetes and, more recently, for weight loss, has been under legal scrutiny due to allegations of inadequate warning regarding potential side effects. The lawsuit centers around claims that users were not adequately informed about the risks of gastroparesis, gallbladder issues, and cyclic vomiting associated with the drug.

    What is the Littleton Ozempic Lawsuit About?

    The lawsuit against Ozempic in Littleton, CO, as well as in other cities nationwide, focuses on three medical issues that were not initially listed as potential side effects:

    Ozempic Gastroparesis

    Gastroparesis, also known as “stomach paralysis,” is a condition where the stomach takes an extended period to empty its contents, leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, and reflux. Severe cases may necessitate medical intervention, impacting one’s quality of life significantly.

    The cause of Ozempic-induced stomach paralysis remains uncertain, although it may be linked to the drug’s weight loss mechanism. Ozempic and similar weight loss drugs are in a class called GLP-1 receptor agonists. They mimic the body’s own hormones that are released after a meal. The increased level of these hormones signals the body to feel fuller sooner. They also are meant to slow the emptying of food into the small intestine, so you feel full longer.

    High doses of these drugs may, therefore, cause the stomach muscles to take too long to move food into the small intestine, causing stomach paralysis and its symptoms. Littleton residents who have experienced stomach paralysis may be entitled to compensation from Ozempic manufacturers due to insufficient warning.

    Ozempic Gallbladder Disease

    The rapid weight loss induced by Ozempic and similar drugs can elevate cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is broken down by the liver into bile, which is meant to aid in digestion. Too much bile can crystallize in the gallbladder, however, leading to painful stones, inflammation, and other issues. Severe cases may require surgery to remove large stones or even excise the entire gallbladder.

    The Littleton Ozempic lawsuit aims to hold drug manufacturers accountable for negligence in disclosing these risks.

    Cyclic Vomiting on Ozempic

    Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) involves recurrent episodes of severe vomiting, accompanied by nausea and abdominal pain, significantly affecting the individual’s quality of life and potentially leading to complications like malnutrition and dehydration.

    Cyclic vomiting is different from periodic vomiting in that it is more severe and can last several days. It can also return unexpectedly, which can translate into lost wages and capacity to work, among other inconveniences.

    Do You Need An Attorney for the Littleton Ozempic Lawsuit?

    Individuals who believe they have been harmed by Ozempic or related drugs like Mounjaro, Weygovy, Trulicity, and Rybelsus should seek legal representation from personal injury attorneys who specialize in product liability and pharmaceutical litigation.

    An attorney is essential in helping you build a case and seek maximum damages for your injuries.

    In Littleton and elsewhere in the state of Colorado, Boesen Law is currently accepting cases related to the Ozempic lawsuit. Patients and their doctors deserve to be thoroughly informed of any and all potential risks associated with taking a specific drug. We will help you hold these companies accountable for failing to adhere to this moral and legal obligation. Call or go online today to schedule a free consultation.