Essential Steps to Take After a WC Injury

Nov 14, 2018
By Boesen Law
  • Workers’ Compensation:

    Being an active member in the workforce, injuries at work can happen. If an injury does occur, the process of getting treatment and getting help with your workers’ compensation claim can be a confusing and exhausting process. Here are some essential steps to keep in mind if you experience a work injury.

    Who needs to know about the injury?

    • Letting your employer (manager or supervisor) know about the injury is extremely important. This allows for the employer to document the injury with an official report (known as a Workers’ Report of Injury), as well as refer you to a healthcare provider after approval to treat the injury has been granted. When receiving your initial treatment, you should be asked to complete a form known as First Report of WC Claims. This form is then submitted by your doctor or physician to your employers insurance, keep in mind that there is a strict time period in which your injury must be reported by your employer to the insurance company.

    What about the seriousness of my injury?

    • Classifying your injury is done by your doctor, who uses local state laws and regulations to determine if you need time off work, physical restrictions, or if you are able to continue working while getting treatment. Your employer’s insurance then has a set period of time in which they can accept or deny your claim for compensation.

    What about going back to work?

    • Call our office to speak with a qualified attorney to go over the correct legal steps for returning to work.

    What if I need additional help? What resources are available?

    • Having legal representation to help guide you through the WC process can be instrumental in helping you get the medical treatment and benefits you are entitled to as a worker. Furthermore, you know that someone is there to advocate solely for you and your best interest, and knows the ins and outs of the WC process.

    Our firm has extensive experience in the area of Workers’ Compensation. If you or a loved one have experienced a WC injury, please contact our office at  to schedule a free consultation and speak with one of our attorneys. You may also visit our practice area page on Workers’ Compensation on our website here for additional information.