Road Trip Tips: Are You Ready To Hit the Road?
There’s nothing quite like a summer road trip. Music, the open road, and maybe a couple of your family members or friends along for the ride. While it may be the last thing you want to think about, there is always a possibility for an accident to occur during your trip. Here are some tips to help you be prepared in case your trip hits a snag.
Tip 1: Roadside Assistance Kit
Check to see if your car has a roadside assistance kit. If not you can make your own by getting reflective triangles, jumper cables, a flashlight, bandages, a rain poncho, a quick tire inflation kit, and nonperishable food and water to keep on hand in case something happens.
Tip 2: Getting Help
Many auto insurance plans offer roadside assistance as part of their coverage. If you don’t have roadside assistance coverage with your plan, you can still call to get help, however, you may be required to cover the entire cost.
Tip 3: Check Before Hitting the Road
Do an inspection of your car before heading out on your trip to make sure it’s in good working order and up to handling the task of a long drive. Check your tire pressure and make sure fluids such as oil and washer fluid are at safe levels and get them topped off or changed if necessary beforehand.
Injured in a Car Accident?
If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident contact our team at (303)-999-9999 to schedule a free consultation.