Which Highway Lane is the Safest to Drive?

Jul 22, 2024
  • Driving through the beautiful state of Colorado on our highways has vastly improved our travel efficiency and mobility to get from one point to another point. The modern highway was established around 1913 in America and is used by millions of people each month. In terms of driving safety, choosing the safest lane on Colorado highways can depend on several factors, but the middle lane is often considered the safest for the following reasons:

    • The middle lane allows for easier lane changes, giving you the option to move left or right based on traffic flow and road conditions.
    • The right lane is frequently used by vehicles entering and exiting the highway, increasing the risk of collisions. By driving in the middle lane, you can avoid this merging traffic.
    • The left lane is typically reserved for passing and tends to have faster-moving vehicles, which can elevate the risk of accidents. The middle lane permits you to maintain a consistent and safer speed.

    However, it’s crucial to adjust your lane choice according to traffic conditions, construction zones, and your specific destination. Always stay vigilant and be ready to adapt to the current road situation to ensure safety on Colorado highways. If an accident occurs, it’s important to contact a car accident lawyer at Boesen Law to discuss your case and legal options.

    Highway Safety Resources

    Below are two resources that support the information about the safest lanes to drive on a highway:

    • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA): The NHTSA provides comprehensive data and analysis on traffic safety, including insights into highway lane usage and accident statistics. Their Crashworthiness Data System offers valuable information on the safety of different lanes.
    • AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety: AAA’s research often covers various aspects of traffic safety, including the relative safety of different highway lanes. Their reports and studies can be accessed on their website.

    Supporting Statistics and Insights

    According to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) fatal crash data, there are several key factors contributing to highway accidents in Colorado, including lane violations, speeding, and aggressive driving behaviors​​​​. The CDOT’s crash data shows that accidents are more frequent in lanes where vehicles are entering and exiting the highway, supporting the recommendation to use the middle lane when possible​​.

    Further analysis by the Colorado State Patrol indicates that a significant number of fatal accidents are due to lane violations and aggressive driving, particularly in the left (fast) lane, which is used for passing but can lead to severe accidents due to higher speeds​​.

    While the middle lane is often considered safer due to its balance of flexibility and consistent traffic flow, it’s essential to remain vigilant and adapt your lane choice based on current traffic conditions, road work, and specific destinations. Always stay alert and be prepared to adjust your driving to ensure safety on Colorado highways.

    How Boesen Law Can Help Victims After a Highway Accident in Colorado

    After an accident on a highway in Colorado, our Denver personal injury law firm can provide several essential services to support our clients through the aftermath and help them seek justice and compensation. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what our law firm can do for you:

    Free Legal Consultation

    We offer a free initial consultation to assess the case and provide advice on the next steps and inform clients of their legal rights and the best course of action based on the specifics of their accident and injuries.

    Investigation and Evidence Collection

    Boesen Law will conduct thorough investigations to gather evidence, including police reports, witness statements, and photographic evidence of the accident scene.

    Insurance Claims Handling

    Our lawyers will handle all communications and negotiations with insurance companies to ensure clients receive fair compensation. We also assist in filing insurance claims, ensuring all necessary paperwork and documentation are correctly submitted.

    Legal Representation

    We will negotiate favorable settlements without going to court, saving time and reducing stress for the client. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we can represent our clients in court, presenting a strong case to seek maximum compensation. However, about 90% of cases can be handled with negotiations to avoid going to court.

    Compensation Claims

    • Economic Damages: we work to recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage.
    • Non-Economic Damages: we will seek compensation for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

    By providing these comprehensive services, Boesen Law personal injury law firm can help clients navigate the complexities of legal and insurance processes, ensuring they receive the support and compensation needed to recover from their accidents.