FDA Feeling the Pressure When It Comes to Talc

Dec 04, 2019
  • A special report by Reuters documents how the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appears to have downplayed the seriousness of asbestos in talc products over the wishes of companies like Johnson & Johnson.

    FDA Sitting Back on Talc

    The report goes back to the 1970s when the issue of asbestos in talc products first came to light. According to the article, the FDA found a sample of talc in Johnson & Johnson’s popular Shower to Shower product. However, the FDA did not investigate further after Johnson & Johnson told the agency that the product was safe and their own testing showed no evidence of asbestos.

    The FDA also had plans to set regulations on asbestos in talc and other cosmetic products, yet chose not to go forward after Johnson & Johnson and other talc companies banded together to propose that the companies could self-regulate their products.

    Legal Cases Put on the Pressure

    However, now that companies like Johnson & Johnson are being sued by thousands of plaintiffs over the safety of their talc, the FDA is feeling the heat to step up as well. According to the article “FDA cosmetics chief Linda Katz began organizing the November 2018 symposium and a public hearing on talc testing, now planned for next year.” The organization however once again looked to J&J for guidance, which recommended talc experts who have testified in defense of J&J in legal proceedings.

    Injured by a Talc Product?

    If you or a loved one has used baby powder or other talc-based product extensively and have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and/or mesothelioma contact our team at  to schedule a free consultation. Click here to visit our practice area page on talcum powder and ovarian cancer for more information.