Lab that Found Positive Sample for FDA is Run by J&J Expert Witness

Oct 31, 2019
  • One of the labs under contract with the FDA that found a positive sample of asbestos in Johnson & Johnson baby powder has been found to have an individual who is a paid expert witness by Johnson & Johnson.

    J&J Defense of Talc

    AMA Analytical Services Inc is run by Andreas Saldivar as reported by Reuters. Mr. Saldivar according to the article “has served as a litigation expert on several occasions for J&J since 2017 in its defense against plaintiffs’ claims that asbestos in talc caused their cancers.”

    Making Waves in the Courtroom

    This news is already making its way into the courtroom, where thousands of plaintiffs have brought claims against Johnson & Johnson over the safety of their talc. Numerous claims state that the company knew about asbestos in their talc, yet promoted it anyway. As a result, individuals who used the talc powder regularly claim that the powder caused them to develop ovarian cancer and/or mesothelioma.

    A plaintiff’s attorney for a case in Indiana asked the judge to allow the news to be made known to the jury. As par for the course Johnson & Johnson’s attorneys opposed, however, they were overruled by the judge. It remains to be seen how news like this will impact other talc cases going forward.

    Different Ways of Testing

    J&J has pushed back on the validity of the results, saying that multiple other labs have confirmed that there is no asbestos in their talc. However, it puts the company in a0n awkward position and could possibly affect the company’s ability to use him as a resource going forward.

    Diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer?

    If you or someone you know has used J&J talc powder or other talcum-based products extensively and has 0been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, contact our office at  to schedule a free consultation. Click here to visit our practice area page on talcum powder and ovarian cancer for more information.